Improve efficiency through connectivity

Minerals play an important role in the development and provision of several everyday items from electricity to batteries, smartphones and medical devices. The mining of essential commodities has improved standards of living around the world from the earliest days of flint tools to nanotechnology advancements in medicine today.

Mining is a critical function which requires precise monitoring, scheduling and maintenance of the resources which not only includes Manpower but also multi-million-dollar equipments.

Since the areas of mining are far away from cities and metropolitan areas, the wireless networks and communications are almost nill to non-existence, posing an never ending challenges in communications.

Ylectric’s “TRINITY” SoC Satellite Modem coupled with Satellite Networks is capable of not only interconnecting but also relaying the data to the operators and management across the world. Without any wireless infrastructure requirement. The mining equipment and human resources are directly connected to satellites that provide constant data to the operators, thus improving the efficiency, safety, and reliability of the business.

Please contact us for more information.